
Co-Curricular Activities

As extra-curricular activities are such a core part of life at Hoe Bridge, we often find our Reception children are ready to get stuck into to our exciting and hugely varied activity programme. During the summer term of Reception, we introduce some sports and creative after-school activities until 4.30 pm in readiness for a broader selection from Year 1 onwards.  

For Year 1 and 2, we add more after-school activities, which take place between 45 minutes and an hour after the end of the school day at 3.30 pm. All are eagerly anticipated, and in many cases, participation leads to a lifelong interest. They can also be invaluable in supporting your child’s social and emotional development. Activities are as diverse as Running to Chess, Robotics to Musical Theatre with Stagecoach. We always encourage children to try as many new things as possible, whilst not over committing!   

After activities have finished for the afternoon, they can return to wraparound care until 6.30 pm if required. 

Autumn Term Activities 

Day Activities  

Day Activity Year Group
Tuesday Ukulele Club with Mrs Dupont Year 2 
Wednesday Junior Choir Club with Mrs Dupont Year 1 & 2 
Cross Country with Mrs Russell Year 1 & 2
Recorder Club with Mrs Dupont  Year 2 
Street Dance with KV Academy  Reception
Street Dance with KV Academy  Nursery Acorns
Thursday Gymnastics with Mrs Russell Year 1 & 2 
  Year 1 Modern and Ballet Year 1
  Year 2 Modern and Ballet Year 2 
Friday Tap with KV Academy  Year 1 & 2 
  Baby Ballet Nursery Acorns
  Reception Ballet Reception

After School Activities 

Day Activity Year Group
Monday      Roll With It Football Coaching  Year 1 & 2
Mystery Maths Club with Mrs Nock Year 1 & 2
Art Club with Mrs Walker Year 1 & 2
Team Challenge with Miss Evelegh Year 1 & 2
Musical Theatre with KV Academy Year 1 & 2
Construction Club with Miss Dow Year 1 & 2
Tuesday    Ukelele Club with Mrs Dupont Year 2 
LAMDA Drama with Achieve Arts Year 1 & 2 
Chess Club with Axon Chess Academy  Year 1 & 2
Futsal Club with Coach Nas from Premier Football Surrey Year 1 & 2
Genie Lab Science Club  Year 1 & 2
Musical Theatre with Mrs Greenhill Year 1 & 2
Programmable Robotics with Building Imagination Year 1 & 2
Mixed Netball with Mrs Russell Year 1 & 2
Wednesday     Mini & Me Fitness Club with Sally Beere (Adults Must Attend) Year 1 & 2
Acro with KV Academy Year 1 & 2 
Debating Club with Mrs Archer Year 1 & 2 
Genie Lab Science Club  Year 1 & 2 
Creative Writing Club with Mrs Archer and Mrs Nock Year 1 & 2 
iPad Computing Club with Miss Dow Year 1 & 2 
Craft Club with Mrs Rampe Year 1 & 2
Drama Club with MN Awards Year 1 & 2 
Thursday    Street Dance with KV Academy  Year 1 & 2 
Martial Arts with The Dojo Woking Year 1 & 2
Cooking Club with Mrs Coote Year 1 
Basketball with Coach Nas from Premier Football Surrey Year 1 & 2 
Lego Robotics with Mrs Leslie Year 1 & 2 
Friday   Cooking with Mrs Coote Year 2
Art Club with Mrs Charlton Year 1 & 2 
Multi-Sports with Coach Nas from Premier Football Surrey Year 1 & 2
Code Camp Year 1 & 2
Musical Theatre with KV Academy  Year 1 & 2