Our Community

Our Community

Melissa Thomas – Mum to Olivia (Year 5) and Josh (Year 7)

Why did you choose Hoe Bridge for your children?   

As a family local to the Woking area, we are so thrilled that Hoe Bridge is now extending its educational offering to GCSE.  The cross curricular, co-ed opportunities that the school has given our children from when they started to now are both broad and deep, giving them the opportunity to continually try new skills across academia, art & DT, sports, music, drama and the wealth of extracurricular clubs that encourage and nurture such all-rounded, confident, happy pupils.

What do you think about the teachers at Hoe Bridge?

The teaching community at Hoe Bridge is an extension of our family.  As parents, we entrust the school to nurture and develop our children and have confidence that during their time at Hoe Bridge they are taught and challenged to always try their best. There is no set Hoe Bridge mould and every child is encouraged to grow and mature into their own personality, with the school providing support and guidance throughout.

What made you decide to stay for Senior School?

For us there were several factors, the local school for local families and the ability for our children (son and daughter) to continue to build friendships and attend school close to home. It was the ability to have both of them continue within a co-educational environment that is both challenging and supportive, nurturing them to learn and mature whilst encouraging them to be the best version of themselves.

What would you say to any parents considering Hoe Bridge for their children?

Hoe Bridge is a very special place, both welcoming and nurturing with the aim of giving all pupils the opportunities to challenge themselves and to be challenged. The staff and wider Hoe Bridge family are incredibly supportive and there is a wonderful collaborative community that families join when they choose Hoe Bridge. Pupils arrive at school in the morning with happy, excited faces and leave at the end of a varied and fulfilled day, with even larger grins and full of stories that they share. Families are given a wonderful opportunity to build new friendships through the numerous events that are organised by both the school and through parent volunteers.



Rosie Lee – Mum to Reuben (Year 8), Vian (Year 6) and Orlando (Year 4)

Why did you choose Hoe Bridge for your children?

We have three sons, currently in Years 4, 6 and 8. They are all loving Hoe Bridge and the breadth of opportunities that the school offers. Whether your children are sporty or more into music or the arts, there is something for everyone. Everyone has a chance to try everything and whilst there is the opportunity to really excel in particular areas of interest, everyone is included and given a chance. This has had a real impact on developing my sons’ confidence.

What do you think about the teachers at Hoe Bridge?

The teaching staff really take the time to get to know all of the children.  There is a real sense of community with different years mixing and involvement in house events; they really support one another.  Hoe Bridge is a very happy place – you can see that by how the children go each morning and come out at the end of the day.  If there is a worry, then staff are easily contactable and there to listen and find ways to support.

We are proud of our Year 7 and 8 offering but from a parent’s perspective, what is it like in Senior Prep for your son?

As the children progress up the school, the style of teaching and learning changes to ensure that they experience a more enquiry based, independent learning approach.  I have really seen the difference in Years 7 and 8 in terms of how my son has developed with his approach to learning. He has been given just the right amount of guidance and support to allow him to develop his confidence and independence.

Any particular highlights?

One of the highlights is the vast array of school trips on offer. From field trips to skiing, to end of year ‘fun’ trips – the kids love them, and the staff give them such an amazing time.



Stephen Arnott (Assistant Head Pastoral)

What is your role here at Hoe Bridge?

My role is Assistant Head Pastoral and I have the wonderful job of working with the children on a daily basis to ensure they are happy and doing their best in all areas of school life. I also run the history department and love being in the classroom to pass on all the gruesome stories I have about English history. On top of all this, I also oversee the PSHE curriculum and make sure we deliver some clear messages on personal development, wellbeing and being a good friend to everyone in our community. 

How long have you been working here?

I started working here in January 2013. I left my job as a boarding parent and moved back to Surrey. While ten years seems like a long time, it feels like only yesterday since I walked through the doors in reception. Some of the children who I met as toddlers are now towering over me and it is great to have known those families for such a long time.

What do you love the most about teaching here?

For me the best part is the children. Their enthusiasm is boundless, and they keep me entertained - on so many levels. The best part of my day is walking around at break and lunch and chatting with the children. It is lovely to sit with them at lunch, hear about their day and learn about their lives outside of school as well.

What are you excited about for the future?

I am excited about the future and the development of the senior school. I am keen to create the same ethos and feeling we have currently. Our pupils are happy and confident, and it is always a little sad to say farewell. Of course, they come back but it will be great to see them more often and watch them grow into respectful and confident adults. We have such a good rapport with parents and pupils, and it would be lovely to be a longer part of the children's educational journey.


Annabelle Young - Old Hoebridgeian (left 2022)

What did you love most about your time at Hoe Bridge?

We were lucky enough to be exposed to such a breadth of opportunities at Hoe Bridge that I have so many things to mention.  However, the amount of sport I got to play – including matches against other local schools and more national competitions – it was great. My teachers across the board were amazing – so encouraging and always went over and above to help or find the right way to help me learn.

What opportunities were you given at Hoe Bridge?

As I mentioned, Sport played a big part in my time at Hoe Bridge.  I loved the competitive matches every week and it was so great to do so well in IAPS tournaments.  The variety as well of after school clubs was brilliant, not to mention the trips – these were incredible times to spend with our friends whilst doing things that were really fun and pushed us out of our comfort zone.

What are your thoughts about Hoe Bridge now you've left and moved on?

Having recently joined GHS, I honestly feel really well prepared for all the homework and tests! Working to deadline and in exam conditions meant it all wasn’t so scary when I stepped up and now have to do these more regularly. 

I also don’t think I appreciated the food enough – the school lunches at Hoe Bridge are the best ever!!

Is there something that stood out that you’ve taken with you into your future?

My love of Sport. I hadn’t been involved in sport at all until I joined in year 3 but I was so encouraged to try new things and keep going, even if didn’t initially find it all easy.  I’m now in the A teams in Netball and Lacrosse at GHS and play regularly at my Hockey Club.  The dedication of my coaches – Miss and Mrs TP were second to none and the early morning sessions and individual coaching they gave me taught me so so much.



Emily Appleton (Old Hoebridgeian left 2016)

What did you love most about your time at Hoe Bridge?

I played a lot of sport at Hoe Bridge and I really believe it has shaped me to be the person I am today.  The skills I learnt on the pitch as well as being part of a team means I adjusted well and got exposure to lots of different sports – this also helped my tennis because I didn’t take it so seriously when I was younger so didn’t burn out early! I also made some wonderful friends.

What opportunities were you give at Hoe Bridge?

Representing my school in sport at weekly matches from year 3 was so great. I loved the bus journeys too. The academics have also given me a great foundation and a strong backbone to take onto secondary school.

What advice would you give to someone starting their education at Hoe Bridge?

Seize every opportunity you get. Dream Big but accept that it is going to be a long journey, nothing comes quickly in life, and you have to work super hard for it so enjoy the ride as well. There's going to be ups and downs, but you’ve got to take the rough with the smooth and just enjoy it, because if you don’t enjoy it, then you're never going to get anywhere.